Book Publicity Creates Sales

Here’s more about the survey of business book authors that I posted on last week. The survey tallied responses from more than 300 published authors. Last week I noted that authors who worked with ghostwriters saw 4X the monetary return as those who did not. It turns out that book publicity matters, too.

  • Book launch PR, ghostwriters and revenue strategy were correlated with profit. Books with launch PR teams had a median gross profit of $55,500 and those with a strong revenue strategy, over $96K

  • Authors opened their wallets for success: The median spending was $7K across all spending categories; authors paid the most for ghost writers and book launch PR. Yep, ghosts (good ones) and book launches cost money and you get what you pay for. 

If you think about a business book as a marketing tool, then it makes perfect sense that success correlates to investment. There are few shortcuts in this life, or in books. A quality book takes time (likely 6-12 months according to the survey and our own experience) and money. And when it comes to your professional reputation, are you really going to risk publishing a bad book? 

To read the survey go to:


Writing a Business Book Can Pay Off …